
The Curtis Palmer Program was formed in 2019, named after PC Curtis Palmer from Dorset Police. Curtis was terminally ill with a brain tumour but wanted to do a parachute jump as part of his “bucket list.” Our Co CEO Gary Jones organised a wonderful day where Curtis completed his parachute jump in front of friends and family. Sadly shortly after Curtis passed away. The Curtis Palmer Program was formed as a living testament to Curtis’s humour, selflessness and inspirational bravery.

The Curtis Palmer Program focusses on helping serving and retired Police Officers and Police staff by following the NHS 5 steps to better mental health wellbeing. We recognise the dangerous and often stressful work carried out by all within the Policing Family. We understand that PTSD, stress and mental health related issues have increased within the Police. Many Police Forces sickness costs are over a million pound a year and the joint number one reason for sickness nationally is PTSD/stress. The CPP offers help to the physically injured/ill and those suffering with their mental health wellbeing.

The CPP aim is to get service users back to work in a better place and improve the quality of life for those already retired. National Police lead, Inspector Isherwood from Thames Valley Police, has been working with Welfare departments, Blue light champions and local Police Federations and developed the “Curtis Palmer Program”. This program takes a steppingstone approach towards helping service users. We combine free short Open University courses on mental health wellbeing subjects, our 10 day online breathing and cold-water immersion course designed to help with anxiety, depression, stress, PTSD and mental health wellbeing with outward bound expeditions and events designed to help with self-confidence, teamwork and resilience. These outward-bound events develop towards annual weeklong expeditions to rebuild confidence/self-belief and learn coping mechanisms. On our expeditions we imbed a mental health champion, a medic and practise the breathing techniques daily so we build a coping routine to be used by the service user long after the expedition itself.

There is no cost to the Police Force or the individual for all UK activities although we do ask for assistance fundraising for our upcoming events and see this as an opportunity for service users to help support us provide onward help for others. CPP has worked tirelessly to raise funds and was successful in gaining National Lottery funding for the program. At the end of each expedition or activity we ask for feedback so there is continued ongoing professional learning for the CPP.

The Curtis Palmer Program has led expeditions in the USA, Wales, Scotland and Norway and has so far helped over 300 Police Officers/Staff from 18 Police Forces. We have helped officers and staff with cancer, MND, PTSD, CPTSD, anxiety, depression, work burn out, stress, long Covid, mental health wellbeing, physical injuries (Including single leg and double leg amputees) and illnesses.

We also provide motivational speakers who can impower and motivate staff telling real stories of courage that are relatable to all within the Police Family. To find out more about our Public Speakers please email us.

The Curtis Palmer Program is a carbon neutral Charitable Organisation, all activities are off set by our tree planting. As of 2023 we have planted over 885 trees which off sets our carbon footprint for all our activities.

You can view a video about the Charity here;   Curtis Palmer Program on Vimeo